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Your Auric Field Purification Roadmap

A four-part audio mindfulness walkthrough series to help you anchor your attention point, define your auric field, cleanse your auric field, and reclaim displaced energy. 

Your biggest form of wealth is where you place your Attention.

Most people's attention is OUTSIDE of their Auric Field and as a result, have their energy displaced all over the place without realising. And other peoples attention are ALSO displaced all over the place and often sit in YOUR Auric Field.  I teach you a powerful practice to help ANCHOR your Attention Point that not only helps maintain a strong and cohesive Auric Field, but also profoundly sharpens your Intuition and Focus.  You will receive a PDF containing links to 4 downloadable audio files with instructions and suggested homework of how to best utilise the Auric Field Purification Roadmap. Refund Policy: If you are unhappy with your purchase, you may cancel your order within 48 hours of purchase by replying to the email in which you received your Auric Field Purification Roadmap audios and stating the main reason for cancelling so that we can ensure quality control and optimal delivery of service.


Vanessa Lougoon

I am a master level certified Akashic Records practitioner who helps spiritually conscious self-starters discover who they are at soul level and align to their unique Soul Vibrational Qualities and build an UNSHAKABLE spiritual foundation.